DPA’s 2 MINUTE SUMMARY OF THE NEW BATTERY STANDARD AS/NZS 5139 Draft ‘DR2 AS/NZS 5139:2019, Electrical installations — Safety of battery systems for use with power conversion equipment’, has been made available and the standard will be released in the coming month(s)....
DPA Solar are excited to announce a new partnership with Winaico solar panels. For many years Winaico has been the first choice of panel for off-grid installers which makes this panel the obvious choice for your next install. All panels are 60 cell, monocrystalline...
On the back of increased interest for SimpliPHI products in mobile applications and improved pricing we have increased our stocks and reduced our price. The PHI 1.3 is an ideal product for RV and mobile applications with proprietary architecture and Battery Management...
Bradley Paton of Power Plus Energy (PPE) joined the SEIA Vic conference last week to talk about the advantages of their self-managed products in the energy storage market. Based on cylindrical lithium ferrous phosphate (LFP) cells the PPE product operates over much...
SEIA Vic held their 2019 conference on 20/21 Feb in Tullamarine with a record crowd of around 70 installers. For those who couldn’t attend, presentations included: Product training from Delta and Enphase on day1, then day 2: SEIA business, Selectronic, Training at...
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