Using fixed tripods, particularly on a commercial project, slashes labour time by no longer needing to install front and back telescopic legs and provides a stronger frame allowing for greater space between fixing points. Radiant Tripods come in 3 angle sizes. Call...
In 2014 more than 500 installers across Australia completed Schneider Solar training for both Grid-Tied and Stand-alone/Hybrid inverters covering key product features and theory. This year Schneider have scheduled 12 Stand-alone/Hybrid training events across Australia...
Introducing the next generation Conext XW hybrid inverter. Featuring higher power ratings, the Conext XW+ has better battery management and the most advanced intelligent functionality enabling solar prioritization, load shifting, peak shaving, and assists small...
Conext Insight is the new web portal to give you and your customers detailed performance data from your Battery systems ComBox, online from any device. Customers and installers can always connect to their system, and through the intuitive dashboard, historical...
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